Final Award No 235 (4 June 1986)
Case number: 625
Award number: 235-625-3
Document number: 16
Description: Final Award
Filing date: 04/06/1986
Claimant: Rymond Joseph Khubiar
Respondent: The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Chamber: Three
Arbitrators: Michel Virally, Parviz Ansari Moin, Charles N. Brower
C625 Doc 16engAward number: 235-625-3
Document number: 16
Description: Final Award
Filing date: 04/06/1986
Claimant: Rymond Joseph Khubiar
Respondent: The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Chamber: Three
Arbitrators: Michel Virally, Parviz Ansari Moin, Charles N. Brower
Case No:
Date of publish:
June 4, 1986