Correction to the English Version of the Concurring and Dissenting Opinion N0 329 (23 November 1987)
Case number: 227
Award number: 329-227-3
Document number: 138
Description: Correction to the English Version of the Concurring and Dissenting Opinion
Filing date: 23/11/1987
Claimant: Eastman Kodak Company, Eastman Kodak International Sales Company and Kodak (Near East) Inc.
Respondent: The Government of Iran, Rangiran Photographic Services Co. (P.J.S.C.), Bank Melli, Bank Sepah, Irano-British Bank and Bank Markaz Iran
Chamber: Three
Arbitrators: Charles N. Brower
C227 Doc 138Award number: 329-227-3
Document number: 138
Description: Correction to the English Version of the Concurring and Dissenting Opinion
Filing date: 23/11/1987
Claimant: Eastman Kodak Company, Eastman Kodak International Sales Company and Kodak (Near East) Inc.
Respondent: The Government of Iran, Rangiran Photographic Services Co. (P.J.S.C.), Bank Melli, Bank Sepah, Irano-British Bank and Bank Markaz Iran
Chamber: Three
Arbitrators: Charles N. Brower
Case No:
Date of publish:
November 23, 1987