A9 Decision No 135 (1 July 2011)
Case number: A3/A8/A9/A14/B61
Award number: DEC 135-A3/A8/A9/AI4/B61-FT
Document number: 962
Description: Decision
Filing date: 01/07/2011
Claimant: The Islamic Republic of Iran
Respondent: The United States of America
Chamber: Full Tribunal
Arbitrators: Hans van Houtte, H.R. Nikbakht Fini, M.H. Abedian Kalkhoran, George H. Aldrich, Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Bengt Broms, Seyed Jamal Seifi, Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, Charles N. Brower
B61 Doc 962 EN (DEC)Award number: DEC 135-A3/A8/A9/AI4/B61-FT
Document number: 962
Description: Decision
Filing date: 01/07/2011
Claimant: The Islamic Republic of Iran
Respondent: The United States of America
Chamber: Full Tribunal
Arbitrators: Hans van Houtte, H.R. Nikbakht Fini, M.H. Abedian Kalkhoran, George H. Aldrich, Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Bengt Broms, Seyed Jamal Seifi, Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, Charles N. Brower
Case No:
Date of publish:
July 1, 2011