Final Award No 67 (19 August 1983)
Case number: 148
Award number: 67-148-1
Document number: 48
Description: Final Awards
Filing date: 19/08/1983
Claimant: Ram International Industries, Inc., . Universal Electronics, Inc., General Aviation Supply, Inc., Galaxy Electronics Corp.
Respondent: The Air Force of The Islamic Republic of Iran
Chamber: One
Arbitrators: Gunnar Lagergren, Mahmoud M. Kashani, Howard M. Holtzmann
C148 Doc 48Award number: 67-148-1
Document number: 48
Description: Final Awards
Filing date: 19/08/1983
Claimant: Ram International Industries, Inc., . Universal Electronics, Inc., General Aviation Supply, Inc., Galaxy Electronics Corp.
Respondent: The Air Force of The Islamic Republic of Iran
Chamber: One
Arbitrators: Gunnar Lagergren, Mahmoud M. Kashani, Howard M. Holtzmann
Case No:
Date of publish:
April 19, 1983