Final Award No 516 (22 July 1991)
Case number: 322
Award number: 516-322-1
Document number: 132
Description: Final Award
Filing date: 22/07/1991
Claimant: Vernie Rodney Pointon and Mary Lou Pointon
Respondent: The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Chamber: One
Arbitrators: Bengt Broms, Assadollah Noori, Howard M. Holtzmann
C322 DOC 132engAward number: 516-322-1
Document number: 132
Description: Final Award
Filing date: 22/07/1991
Claimant: Vernie Rodney Pointon and Mary Lou Pointon
Respondent: The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Chamber: One
Arbitrators: Bengt Broms, Assadollah Noori, Howard M. Holtzmann
Case No:
Date of publish:
July 22, 1991