Final Award No 220 (11 April 1986)
Case number: 37
Award number: 220-37-1
Document number: 194
Description: Final Award
Filing date: 11/04/1986
Claimant: Foremost Tehran, Inc, Foremost Shir, Inc.,Foremost Iran Corp., Foremost Foods, Inc., and Foremost McKesson, Inc. and Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Respondent: The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Financial Organisation For The Expansion of Ownership of Industrial Units, National Investment Company of Iran, Industries and Mines Bank (successor to the Industrial and Mining Development Bank of Iran), Foundation for the Oppressed, Sherkat Sahami Labaniat Pasteurize Pak,
Chamber: One
Arbitrators: Gunnar Lagergren, Koorosh-Hossein Ameli, Howard M. Holtzmann
C37 Doc 194Award number: 220-37-1
Document number: 194
Description: Final Award
Filing date: 11/04/1986
Claimant: Foremost Tehran, Inc, Foremost Shir, Inc.,Foremost Iran Corp., Foremost Foods, Inc., and Foremost McKesson, Inc. and Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Respondent: The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Financial Organisation For The Expansion of Ownership of Industrial Units, National Investment Company of Iran, Industries and Mines Bank (successor to the Industrial and Mining Development Bank of Iran), Foundation for the Oppressed, Sherkat Sahami Labaniat Pasteurize Pak,
Chamber: One
Arbitrators: Gunnar Lagergren, Koorosh-Hossein Ameli, Howard M. Holtzmann
Case No:
Date of publish:
April 10, 1986