Dissenting Opinion No 192 (27 November 1985)
Case number: 285
Award number: 192-285-2
Document number: 169
Description: Dissenting Opinion of Hamid Bahrami
Filing date: 27/11/1985
Claimant: General Dynamics Telephone Systems Center, Inc. (formerly known as Stromberg-Carlson Corporation) and General Dynamics International Corporation
Respondent: The Islamic Republic of Iran, The Government of The Islamic Republic Of Iran, Iran, The Telecommunications Company of Iran and Bank Melli Iran
Chamber: Two
Arbitrators: Hamid Bahrami
C285 Doc 169engAward number: 192-285-2
Document number: 169
Description: Dissenting Opinion of Hamid Bahrami
Filing date: 27/11/1985
Claimant: General Dynamics Telephone Systems Center, Inc. (formerly known as Stromberg-Carlson Corporation) and General Dynamics International Corporation
Respondent: The Islamic Republic of Iran, The Government of The Islamic Republic Of Iran, Iran, The Telecommunications Company of Iran and Bank Melli Iran
Chamber: Two
Arbitrators: Hamid Bahrami
Case No:
Date of publish:
November 27, 1985