Concurring Opinion No 71 (2 September 1983)
Case number: 346
Award number: 71-346-3
Document number: 56
Description: Concurring Opinion of Richard M. Mosk
Filing date: 02/09/1983
Claimant: Alan Carig
Respondent: Ministry of Energy of Iran; Water Engineering Service (MAHAB); Khuzestan Water and Power Authority (KWPA); Khadamat Iran Zemin Engineering Consultant Services Company (KIZ)
Chamber: Three
Arbitrators: Richard M. Mosk
346 Doc 156 EngAward number: 71-346-3
Document number: 56
Description: Concurring Opinion of Richard M. Mosk
Filing date: 02/09/1983
Claimant: Alan Carig
Respondent: Ministry of Energy of Iran; Water Engineering Service (MAHAB); Khuzestan Water and Power Authority (KWPA); Khadamat Iran Zemin Engineering Consultant Services Company (KIZ)
Chamber: Three
Arbitrators: Richard M. Mosk
Case No:
Date of publish:
September 2, 1983